The press conference will take place at 2:30 p.m.

If you need to speak with someone and you do not speak English, please leave a voicemail with your phone number and the language you speak, and we will return your call. If he truly wants to prevent the spread of this virus, he should stop backtracking on the progress we've made and discouraging hesitant Washingtonians from protecting themselves against COVID-19. Governor Jay Inslee Office of the Governor PO Box 40002 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Call 36 TTY/TDD call 711 or 1-80. He continued, "This move by the Governor is undermining public trust in the efficacy of the vaccine. "Not only are children at decreased risk of COVID-19, but they have already experienced a year and a half of devastating losses in learning and critical effects on their mental and emotional heath." "Governor Inslee has, once again, acted hastily and ignored science by mandating mask wear for teachers and students for a school year that is still weeks away from beginning," said Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) issued the following statement in response to Governor Jay Inslee's announcement that he will mandate the use of masks in K-12 school during the upcoming school year and recommend masks indoors for Washingtonians, regardless of whether or not they have been vaccinated. Inslee's office selected the date to ease the mask mandate based on declining COVID-19 projections, with forecasts showing Washington will likely reach the state's goal of five hospitalizations. Trump’s administration, challenging policies on its ban on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, its separation of migrant children from their parents and its unwinding of climate regulations.WASHINGTON, D.C.
Inslee and the Washington State attorney general, Bob Ferguson, filed a series of lawsuits against Mr. JLARC I-900 Subcommittee for SAO Performance Audits Septem1:00 pm. Governor Inslee / Attorney General Ferguson Gun Violence Press Conference December 19th, 2022 State Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Governor Jay Inslee hold a press conference in Seattle to discuss a group of bills for the upcoming legislative session to combat gun violence. Governor Jay Inslee holds a general media availability at the State Capitol. Inslee placed himself on the vanguard of the Democratic opposition to Mr. Governor Jay Inslee Press Conference February 9th, 2022. Jay Inslee is expanding the statewide COVID-19 vaccination mandate to all K-12 school employees as well as employees of the states higher education institutions. He dropped out of the race in August 2019 when it became clear he would not meet the Democratic National Committee’s threshold to appear in presidential debates.ĭuring President Donald J. Jay Inslee also announced new details on testing, promising Washingtonians they will be able to order the tests online. Inslee, 72, who before becoming governor was elected to Congress eight times, ran for his party’s 2020 presidential nomination on a platform of sharply reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. During a press conference held virtually Wednesday afternoon, Washington Gov.

“During a decade of dynamic change, we’ve made Washington a beacon for progress for the nation. “Serving the people as governor of Washington State has been my greatest honor,” he said. Jay Inslee of Washington State, the nation’s longest-serving current governor and one of the Democratic Party’s leading climate defenders, will not seek a fourth term in office next year, he announced on Monday.