I recommend skipping the Improved Bodhi component (she gets a super fast no fail Con drain attack that she can use several times a round and will insta kill most characters). BG1 Unfinished Business (BG1UB) is a mod designed to restore many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the original Baldurs Gate games final. Lots of new content that comes in little chunks. In spite of myself, I like the venerable Tactics mod for BG2. I have a spiteful love-hate relationship with Dark Horizons, which is a crazily unfair mod, but also makes me feel less guilty for using the vanilla Wand of Frost you get from the Nashkell Mines area. I can't really recommend them, on account of crazy balance issues and questionable design.
The very large quest mods for BG1 (Dark Horizons, Dark Side of the Coast, and Drizzt Saga) were written back when modding was new and the authors were 20 years younger than they are now. Be sure to enable the "better calls for help" component, even if you are going to count that as an entire mod. I cannot play without Sword Coast Stratagems. She is also just about the only Lawful Good character in the game that isn't written as an irritating nag, which is a welcome change of pace. She fits in, isn't a Mary Sue, but also still feels like a heroic adventurer. Gavin and Valerie are also popular, but Isra is my top pick. UB2 doesn't add any new quests, it mostly adds irritating busy work (if you normally had to talk to a person to solve the quest, there is now another leg where you have to talk to one to three other NPCs, with no action or battles or anything, just five minutes of walking across the town maps to talk to a guy that tells you to go back and talk to the guy you just talked to. It turns out that a lot of the BG2 content got cut for good reason. I do not recommend Unfinished Business for BG2. It just implements half-finished content that was originally in the game.

You always have the option to not escalate, and I liked the extra background stories. I'm always uncomfortable when NPCs in video games just throw their bodies at your protagonist, but you don't have to play this mod that way. Romantic Encounters is a mod that I thought I would hate, but I ended up liking it.
It is also technically 11 separate mods, so if you are serious about your 5 mod limit, don't install any of these, because while all of them are good, none of them are worth taking up one of those slots. No god items, and no random bandits stronger than Sarevok. The Miniquests and Encounters for BG1 is good, fits in well, and has a sense of restraint that is welcome. Again, I strongly recommend you reconsider your 5 mod limit or you will fill up your list on this alone (and without actually completing it). You spend more time juggling your inventory in BG1 than actually adventuring, and these tweaks help a lot. Also consider Convenient Ammunition (lets you a pay a premium to get unlimited normal ammo). 'BG1 Unfinished Business ('BG1UB') is designed to restore many of the cut items, quests, dialog, and encounters from the game's final release, as well as try to tie up some of the 'loose ends. Look for unlimited or increased stack sizes for items, stores selling larger stacks of ammunition, and BG2 style containers introduced into BG1. There are three or four megamods that contain various inventory relief effects, and I can't play without them anymore. Keep in mind that many of the mods listed are actually dozens of separate mods written by different people that just happen to have been collected in a single installer.Ī suite of inventory tweak mods. I also recommend you reconsider your 5 mod limit, not because I think that wanting to keep a relatively pure game is misguided (it isn't), but because the restriction is kind of arbitrary and counting both giant quest megamods and minor inventory tweak mods as "one mod" doesn't make much sense and won't help you get the effect you want. This is hard to answer without knowing what kind of changes you want.